
Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing; Which One Is Better To Go With?

Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing; Which One Is Better To Go With?

These are probably the most confusing times. We are seeing those businesses rising who are availing digital marketing services and those who are still at traditional marketing, still winning. So what should we choose? Digital or traditional? But who we are to tell you right? Perhaps we can discuss both with their all aspects in this blog and let you guys decide what goes best for your business. Or maybe the answer is both.

First, What Is Traditional Marketing?

Let us talk about the old days first. Oh, you got breeze reading this old word? Relax let’s just continue reading. Traditional marketing includes every kind of marketing done through TV, printed media like banners, brochures, etc and billboards included. Up until we only knew that these strategies of marketing work best and only people with lower budgets go with digital media. But that’s also not true boo! Back to traditional marketing, we know these kinds of marketing tactics are still in use by many brands, right? Mostly the old and stable ones.

And, What Is Digital Marketing?

We know what digital means, if not, it simply defines the electronic platforms. Like media, social media, search engines, etc. digital marketing is marketing through these digital channels. These days digital media is a bigger industry than we ever thought it could be. however, after the covid-19 hit, it has been a huge success and the results are wondering able.

When we are scrolling on the internet and the advertisements that pop us or in videos whatsoever are a part of digital marketing.

Most businesses who were just performing everything traditionally before after this devasting hit all have gone digitalized. From availing of digital marketing services to still performing traditional ways to target a larger audience.

Let’s Talk The Actual Difference.

Enough about definitions and what is what because we all know. Why do not we begin to learn and talk about their differences?

If we talk about which one is trendy, so it is obviously the digital marketing services. There are more people seen on social media the more the user the more reach brands can get. And the average person already spends about 6 hours of the day on scrolling through social media. While lockdown the numbers were higher than ever and the brand did not let that chance go. While traditional marketing was numb in lockdown but, now it is back in business and people are still using those banners, billboards, and Tv commercials. But not as much as ‘digital marketing’ (whispers).

Second, what about prices? Which one is cost-effective? Well, these billboards take amounts in lacs and so TV commercials. But on digital platforms, there are different ways to promote businesses so different prices. You pay for reach or impressions, both are options. If you are choosing youtube’s masthead the price would be different and if you are going for a simply customized install advertisement promotion prices can be chosen according to your budget.

At last, which one is more reachable to your actual target audience. When putting your ads in traditional ways, remember that everybody sees those ads even if it is not of their interest. They are just forced to see those TV ads between watching their favorite show. For instance, if a guy is enjoying a drama and the commercial occurs for women undergarments, what he must do about it? Skip it. People get annoyed when they see ads, not of their interest. While on social media, they collect your data when you allow cookies while on any app or website and they show you add only of your interest then.

Brands get to target their actual audience and the audience is happy seeing an ad of their interest. But sometimes it gets quite irritating skipping the ads all day.

Pros and cons:

If you are still confused and cannot decide between these, no worries. We will point out some pros and cons to help you make a better decision.

Traditional marketing


  • Catchy and easy to understand as they are now part of our life.
  • They are permanent, printed advertisement stays there long forever.
  • And memorable, We see a lot of things on social media throughout scrolling, but when see something on paper and it’s interesting. We remember it for a long.


  • Traditional marketing is more difficult to navigate and analyze as there are no tools as there are for digital marketing.
  • Mostly expensive for new brands and start-ups. It is not easy affording ads on billboards, famous magazines, or costly TV commercials.
  • You cannot track your audience’s reaction through these platforms. Such no it does not allow any direct interaction with the target market.

Digital marketing


  • While digital platforms are knowns as networks to connect, we can easily engage with our audience from anywhere in the world.
  • With the help of various tools, it is easy to navigate our reach and measure the campaigns.
  • Easy to target your exact and specific set of markets.
  • Various options with different pricing to choose from.


  • Super annoying, we all know the feeling of ads popping up more often as we required. It can frustrate your potential customer as well and that is a big loss, my friend.
  • Ads on the digital platform are temporary. No matter how huge an amount you pay, they will have to vanish someday.
  • Constant evolution can also affect that you also have to be constantly active and smart to face daily challenges.
  • Go with what’s best for your business. Our advice is to find both ways to work around it, as they both have their advantages and disadvantages. While you choose experienced people also consider new talents. Fusion is always what we love. New and still effecting.
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