
Don’t Let Resolutions Hurt Your Finances

Resolutions Hurt

Some New Year’s resolutions can come with some steep price tags. You may not even realize that the resolution you’ve picked for the year is so expensive until you take a look at your bank statements and feel your stomach drop. 

Some New Year’s resolutions can come with some steep price tags. You may not even realize that the resolution you’ve picked for the year is so expensive until you take a look at your bank statements and feel your stomach drop. 

Find out how your goal for self-improvement can lead to self-sabotage. 

Expensive Resolutions 

When you’re not careful, your resolution can put you in a difficult financial position. You might drain your checking and savings accounts, and you might rack up the balances sitting on your credit cards. This could put a serious strain on your monthly budget and make you vulnerable to any surprise expenses that drop in your lap. 

In the worst-case scenario, you will get hit with a surprise expense and have no available savings to resolve it right away. You will have to consider an alternative method to resolve it. You could charge the expense to your credit card, as long as your balance is far from the credit limit. Or you could look into cash loans with direct deposit as an option. As long as you meet the qualifications, you can apply for a fast cash loan in a matter of minutes. You just might get approved for the loan, which you can then use to manage your surprise expense. 

Another problem with expensive resolutions is that they may not last very long. Many people stop their resolutions after a few months. There’s nothing wrong with losing your motivation and letting your commitment to a goal peter out. There is something wrong with losing a bunch of money when your goal ends that quickly. 

Don’t rush to spend so much on your resolution. You can tackle it while staying on budget. 

Making Resolutions Cheaper 

Reading More Books

A common resolution for book lovers is to give themselves a reading challenge to tackle throughout the year. Your challenge could be to read 52 books a year or to simply read something every single day. Whatever your challenge happens to be, you’ll need to have a lot of books to finish it. This can be expensive.

To save yourself some money, you should borrow books from your library instead of buying them. If you prefer to read e-books, you can use library apps to download free e-books that are compatible with your e-reader. Library apps will also have free audiobooks available. 

Another good way to save money on books is to plan book exchanges with your friends. You can extend your reading list without having to spend a single cent. 

Eating Healthier

It seems like you have to spend a fortune to have a healthy diet. You need to splurge on organic fruits and vegetables, specialty snacks and carefully planned meal kits to get wholesome, nutritious foods on your dinner plate. This is not true. There are plenty of healthy and budget-friendly recipes that you can follow throughout the week to improve your diet. 

Getting Fit

It’s easy to spend a lot on this popular resolution. You can put a major dent in your budget by paying for a personal trainer, signing up for a gym membership, booking boutique fitness classes and ordering top-of-the-line home gym equipment. Skip all of these expenses and start doing at-home workouts that require no equipment. You just need a good pair of running shoes and some determination. 

Don’t let your resolutions hurt your finances this year. You can meet your goals without emptying your wallet!

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